Thursday, June 5, 2008

Managing Millenium


Even if you were born to boss, you’d do well to bone up on today’s crop of 20-something workers. Called millennials, this vast and important generation of employees is our workforce’s next big infusion — and, many would believe, management’s greatest challenge.

But such labels often mislead, and they certainly don’t tell the complex and sprawling tale of this new generation. Which is where our seven-part primer comes in handy.

The effects of this imminent brain drain already are apparent across the labor spectrum. California police departments now host boot camps for 12-year-olds in the hopes of grooming future officers, while Deloitte is publishing books and launching interactive websites in attempts to woo high-school-age millennials. Despite the current recession, college recruiters and HR staffs talk about the “seller’s market” that companies face. Until recently, many millennials collected multiple job offers before making decisions, and experts see the trend returning when the economy perks up. One Manhattan-based national consulting firm has even sworn off “exploding” job offers, those that squeeze applicants with tight deadlines to either accept or decline a position.

Why Millennials Matter to You

Sure, you’re going to need millennials simply to put butts in seats. But these workers are also change agents who may force you to rethink and improve your methods of recruiting, training, and management — the lifeblood elements of your company. They’re accustomed to working away from their desks, using everything from library computers to smartphones and laptops. They got intense and individualized mentoring from teachers and coaches, and they were never told that their elders should intimidate them. “The world is a flat hierarchy to these kids,” says Peter Johnson, director of admissions at the University of California at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. “Whether you think it’s a good or bad thing doesn’t really matter. It’s a market condition.”

Many companies have realized they need to change with the times: UPS has begun to abandon its training manuals for hands-on learning in staged neighborhoods; Deloitte empowers its middle managers to offer flexible scheduling to their team members, and Google bypasses corporate hierarchy by making its brightest new millennials managers and granting them direct access to the company’s co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Millennials’ Strong Points

According to Lynne Lancaster, a consultant on generational issues in the workplace, millennials were the first generation to grow up with soccer moms, doting dads, and trophies for participation. All that adult attention gave them confidence and a knack for following directions. In addition, says Lancaster, many millennials’ lives have been heavily scheduled since childhood, so they understand achievement and heavy workloads. And growing up with PCs has contributed to their comfort with technology and social networking. “There definitely are the speed processors among them,” says David Morrison, who runs Twentysomething, a consulting and marketing firm focusing on young adults. “They’re quick learners and quick to put together information. In that way, they’re an incredible asset to any team.”

Millennials are nicknamed Generation Why for a reason. Experts say they're like living, breathing search engines, asking question after question. This gives company mentors a huge opportunity to shape millennials’ workplace beliefs and attitudes. These days, mentoring programs can be found everywhere from Fortune 500 firms to the basic-training barracks of the U.S. Army.

Millennials also are motivated by work they find meaningful. For some, that means the chance to give back through a company-sponsored charity. For others, it’s finding value in the daily work you give them. “Philanthropy doesn’t resonate with me,” says 24-year-old Dan Siroker, an associate product manager at Google. “What motivates me is working on products that I think help people’s lives.”

Millennials’ Weak Spots

Perhaps you’ve heard tales of their unreasonable demands (“I’m not working overtime!”) and disarming gumption (“Can I have a word with the CEO?”). The cliches do contain grains of truth. As children who grew up hearing about the entrepreneurial heroics of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, millennials may be quick to leave your company for what they think is a better opportunity — it doesn’t even matter that these are belt-tightening times. “In the last few years, I’ve definitely noticed a surge of young entrepreneurs — we’ve lost a couple of great employees,” says Zaw Thet, CEO of 4Info, a Silicon Valley-based text messaging company that does work for MTV and NBC. “It might sound surprising, but retaining people has become harder.”

Here’s another surprise: While millennials are talented text messagers — they tap out up to eight times more monthly mobile-phone messages than baby boomers — they’re not all technology wizards. “We’re advising companies to perform technological assessments as part of their new-employee orientation,” Lancaster says. “Young new hires might be phenomenal on a cell phone but not as great on a computer.”

How to Talk About Millennials

Terms associated with millennials:

Helicopter Parent: Parents who hover over their millennial offspring. Acting on the notion that they know best and can help their children make decisions, Helicopter Parents hope to prevent their kids from making missteps.

Black Hawk: A Helicopter Parent who goes to unethical lengths to help his/her child. A dad who helps write his kid’s college application essay is a Black Hawk.

Trophy Children: Children driven to succeed in part to please their parents’ need for elevated status and bragging rights.

Boomeranging: The act of children moving back into their parents’ homes after graduating from college. Parents often welcome their millennial children back into the house. The children are sorely missed and get the opportunity to squirrel away money for a down payment on a house or to start a business.

Growth Strategy

Business leverage through a four-pronged strategy, including: the diversification of its member acquisition channels and partner marketing base; the global expansion of its affinity membership marketing; increased technology investments in its operating infrastructure; and, aggressively expanding its business model to the Internet.

By leveraging our vertical content, create venues towards higher margin channels, and to create new revenue streams through marketing online. While we anticipate that much of the growth will be internal, we will also pursue strategic alliances that enhance the scope of our Internet service offerings."

We plan to increase our Internet marketing In order to accurately assess our growth, we will be breaking out our core operations from our online services on an ongoing basis moving forward."

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Searching For the Next big thing

Be challenged. Be provocative. Be productive.

Battles over the future of software, the data center, broadband, the media, the social ecosystem.

Defining the Challenges
Exploring the Opportunities
Mobile Connections: The Next Great Ideas?
The Theory and Practice of Networks
People: What We Know, and What it Means?
Networked Business Models
Monetization for Today’s Internet, and Tomorrow's
Driving Marketing Innovation.

Kelemahan dari Offline Advertising

1. Internet secara perlahan telah memindahkan orang-orang dari tv.
2. Internet email pun telah penuh dengan junk mail.
3. Berapa kali kita membeli produk karena iklan di tv, radio atau billboard?
4. Bagaimana anda mengukur efektifitas budget promosi anda?

Tentu kalau anda peduli akan hal ini ada akan berpikir (think and action).

Internet adalah future strategy untuk korporate. Email marketing itu sudah tidak relevan. dan Jarang sekali orang beli produk karena iklan. Untuk mengukur efektifitas advertising adalah high cost.

Opimalisasi Penggunaan Blog -ideas thoughts and critics-

Sudah mulai banyaknya perusahaan yang menggunakan blog tetapi tantangan datang dari maintenance dan memanagement blog yang ada. Blog seharusnya "effectively support business goals, marketers can create a concrete picture of the key benefits, costs, and risks that blogging presents and understand how they are likely to impact business goals". Dari situ perusahaan bisa menentukan nilai dari blog.

I strongly suggest that companies start with the goal, develop metrics that measure the attainment of that goal, and find ways to assign value to those metrics.

Berarti harus benar-benar di perhatikan maksud awal dari blog itu sendiri.

Indonesia Internet Game

If your Web site isn't getting the attention it deserves on the Internet, it may be running low on Google juice.

Google juice, for the uninitiated, refers to how high a Web site ranks in Google's search results -- the higher the ranking, the more juice. Google juice is all about links. As many people know, the Internet search leader ranks Web sites based largely on the quantity and quality of other sites linking to it.

It's no wonder that a whole new industry has arisen around mining the Web for links and other page-tweaks that can help sites boost their Google rank and reel in more visitors.

This industry calls itself "search-engine optimization," though I think a better name would be "search-massage consultants." The young, geeky types who are behind this enhanced way of boosting a Web site's Google juice let off steam with practical jokes, including global Google-gaming contests, one of which I've been watching with amusement for three months.

The goal of this contest is to make a Web site that comes up first on the results page when anyone does a Google search for the gobbledygook phrase "v7ndotcom elursrebmem."

"We usually make up a word from scratch just to keep the playing field level in these contests," said the event's sponsor, John Scott, who runs an online forum for search optimizers. "If we did 'Viagra,' " a lot of sites would have a head start."

Of course, trying to change Google's ranking for "Viagra" might also get participants in hot water with the search-engine police. Most participating sites wouldn't really be about the virility drug, yet by adding a bunch of links labeled "Viagra" to their pages they might muck up Google's results for a popular search. And Google takes a dim view of attempts to artificially manipulate search results.

All the more reason to use a meaningless phrase, since Google might not worry as much about what comes up when people search for "v7ndotcom elursrebmem." For the curious, the first word is the name of Scott's site ( ) and the second is "members rule" spelled backward. Scott chose the phrase as a symbolic thanks to the more than 100,000 registered members of his site's online forum.

His contest, which offers $4,000 to the winner, has drawn criticism from those who see it as a ploy to draw links and thereby boost his site's Google rank. But it has drawn hundreds of participants, who registered all kinds of silly Web addresses and wrote bogus articles with the silly phrase liberally sprinkled in.

Searching on "v7ndotcom elursrebmem" on Google yesterday yielded more than 6 million matching pages. My favorite is the site ranked No. 2, which purports to be the official site for "The Grand V7ndotcom Elursrebmem Hotel," a nonexistent hotel in London, complete with photos and a virtual tour.

Holding the No. 1 spot is a page maintained by Jim Westergren, a Swedish search consultant. In an e-mail, Westergren said his winning formula involves writing material "relevant" to the contest phrase, getting lots of links to his page from elsewhere on the Web and already having a good Google rank for his personal site, where he writes a blog.

I asked several consultants what, if anything, the contest shows about the integrity of Web search results and the value of links.

Several said it has gotten much harder to influence Google results for popular searches, which is why many consultants advise businesses to encode their sites with specialty phrases and keywords related to the business that people might type in the Google box.

Westergren said he thinks it's "very hard" to game Google today, particularly since it keeps improving its link analysis: "Recently Google has been getting more smart about this and can even detect and devalue paid links," he wrote.

Rand Fishkin, chief executive of a Seattle-based search consultancy called SEOMoz, said he focuses on getting editorial links for his clients, partly by creating feature articles that Web publishers will link to: "We call it link-baiting. The idea is to attract a lot of natural links."

It sounds like the Web's version of public relations, with consultants baiting webmasters much like PR firms pitch stories to reporters. Fishkin's latest success came from creating an online awards contest he called "Web 2.0 Awards," touted on Web pages that linked to his firm's Web site.

Bill Leake, chief executive of, a consultancy firm in Austin, said links are still the key to impressing Google. He advises businesses to take a two-step approach to boosting their Google rank. First, they should test search terms related to their business by purchasing Google ads for those words, which allows precise tracking of ad click-throughs and purchases. After learning which search words yield the best results on ads, businesses can hire a consultant to embed those terms into their sites and buy links relating to them.

"The link brokers are going great guns," Leake said.

One such firm is, which started in Phoenix three years ago by brokering paid links between sites with high Google ranks to those with low Google ranks. But Google's changing formulas have made it harder to boost a site's ranking just through paid links, said Jarrod Hunt, chief executive of the 60-person firm.

"Editorial links are more valuable now than the paid ones," he added.

Hunt said his firm still brokers text links for sale from thousands of independent Web sites, but it also develops original editorial content to help get links Google might consider to be of higher quality. Often the articles are given away or sold to sites in a program he calls "hosted marketing pages," basically online advertorials with embedded links.

There are shady ways to get Google juice, too, but be careful -- it could get your site booted completely out of the Google index. If you break the search-engine rules, the juice can turn to poison and lead to the Google death penalty.